Friday 1 November 2013


A man in India traveling by bus from Pune to Mumbai finds an old woman in the seat next to him. The old lady speaks with him for a while and asks him to wake her up at 'Lonavala' station; she goes to sleep shortly afterwards. After a while the man falls asleep. He wakes up after a long time to find that the bus left Lonavala a short while ago. To his horror, he finds the old woman fast asleep in her seat. Panic-stricken, he approaches the driver and requests him to take the bus back to Lonavala. The driver, irritated by such carelessness, at first, refuses to do so. The man somehow convinces the driver to return and the bus finally arrives at Lonavala station. Highly embarrassed, enduring the dirty looks from fellow passengers, and tired by the whole exercise, the man gets back to his seat and wakes the old lady up. "Madam, here you are, it's your Lonavala station." The woman wakes up and says, "Thank you for reminding me son. It's half past twelve, it seems the bus is running 20-30 minutes behind schedule. Anyways, it's time to take my medicines. Thanks again." She takes her medicines and goes to sleep once again. Read more at Buzzle:

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